Project Report
| Aug 13, 2023
Scaling-up the project to more growth& empowerment
By Hanan Ebrahim | Programs manager
Hello, Dear kind Supporters.
I want to seize the chance of the Second quarterly report to share our gratitude for your partnership in our work.
In the first and second quarters of 2023, Concern Organization implemented a scale-up for the program as a response to the community assessment that t was performed to identify community prospects of solutions that will lead to accomplishing their potential and supporting their journey to prosper and reclaiming their power as effective power in planning and shaping decisions that affect their future.
The community assessment outcomes showed most of the community members are concerned about supporting and expanding their access to income-generating opportunities. Therefore, Concern Organization for Women & Children will establish providing livelihood and income-generating opportunities. Along with providing expertise training in project management and financial management as well as self-awareness and self-management courses.
All of this is become possible because of your partnership.
Your investment in our youth is life-changing and future-creating. You are responsible for their success just as much as they are.
Hanan Ebrahim and Concern Organization team
Apr 17, 2023
Scaling-up the project to more growth& empowerment
By Hanan Ebrahim | Programs manager
Hello, Dear kind Supporters.
I want to seize the chance of the quarterly report to share our gratitude for your partnership in our work.
In the last quarter of 2022 Concern Organization implemented a community assessment to identify community prospects of solutions that will lead to accomplishing their potential and supporting their journey to prosper and reclaim their power as effective power in planning and shaping decisions that affect their future.
The community assessment outcomes showed most of the community members are concerned about supporting and expanding their access to income-generating opportunities. Therefore, Concern Organization for Women & Children will establish providing livelihood and income-generating opportunities. Along with providing expertise training in project management and financial management as well as self-awareness and self-management courses.
All of this is become possible because of your partnership.
Your investment in our youth is life-changing and future-creating. You are responsible for their success just as much as they are.
With All Love and Appreciation
Hanan Ebrahim and Concern Organization team
Dec 20, 2022
Scaling-up the project to more growth& empowerment
By Hanan Ebrahim | Programs manager
Hello, Dear kind Supporters.
I want to seize the chance of the last quarterly report to share our gratitude for your partnership in our work.
In the last quarter of 2022 Concern Organization implemented a community assessment to identify community prospects of solutions that will lead to accomplishing their potential and supporting their journey to prosper and reclaim their power as effective power in planning and shaping decisions that affect their future.
The community assessment outcomes showed most of the community members are concerned about supporting and expanding their access to income-generating opportunities. Therefore, Concern Organization for Women & Children will establish providing livelihood and income-generating opportunities. Along with providing expertise training in project management and financial management as well as self-awareness and self-management courses.
All of this is become possible because of your partnership.
Your investment in our youth is life-changing and future-creating. You are responsible for their success just as much as they are.
With All Love and Appriciation
Hanan Ebrahim and Concern Organization team