Help schools address mental health and suicide

by Unsilence
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide
Help schools address mental health and suicide


Many schools struggle to talk about mental health. Some schools ban conversations about suicide altogether, fearing 'suicide contagion.' Unsilence's TOMORROW is an online learning experience and classroom program. It uses interactive storytelling to help teens and teachers build the skills to talk about suicide, depression, and mental health in appropriate and effective ways. Help us make a difference in our school and communities TODAY.

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Mental health care is a human right. Yet, too often, our schools and communities do not support young people and their families to talk about mental health, depression, and suicide. This barrier to open dialogue prevents young people from seeking out and accessing the necessary resources and mental health care. Unsilence drives social change by breaking the personal, cultural, and institutional barriers that prevent open dialogue and education on human rights, including suicide prevention.


Unsilence creates dynamic learning experiences for youth and the public. We train educators and community leaders to spark dialogue, support critical thinking, and build empathy to inspire healing and social change. Our programs are learner-centered and support young people to make personal connections to complex and challenging issues of social justice and human rights. Learners cultivate a deep sense of social responsibility and develop expertise in self-directed and group-based social action.

Long-Term Impact

When we share hidden stories - stories of pain, loss, shame, and taboos we've been too afraid to speak about - we give permission for others to share hidden stories, too. Through interactive storytelling and educator training, Unsilence's TOMORROW inspires dialogue about mental health and suicide prevention to schools and communities. A recent Northwestern University study of Unsilence's TOMORROW shows that our online and live programs lead to a significant increase in learners' social empathy.


Organization Information


Location: Chicago, IL - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @UnsilenceOrg
Danny M. Cohen
Project Leader:
Danny M. Cohen
Chicago , IL United States

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