International aid organization World Vision is swiftly ramping up its response to the Ukraine refugee crisis, as the number of refugees today hit a staggering 3 million. The response will target the most vulnerable children and women with Non-Food Items (NFI's), cash assistance, child-protection, anti-trafficking, mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS), and education.
Ukraine refugee numbers hit 3 million well ahead of projections and the need for basic food and hygiene supplies within Ukraine is increasing at a rapid rate. The 3 million mark came just 20 days into the conflict and well ahead of initial projections as fighting intensifies. That figure does not include internally displaced Ukrainians, or people seeking refuge in cities and towns within Ukraine itself. The UN puts that figure around 770,000.
World Vision's Ukraine Crisis Response (UCR) will scale up humanitarian assistance to reach vulnerable children and adults displaced and affected by the conflict through a multi-country response in Ukraine and neighboring countries through direct operations and partners. The response will target the most vulnerable children and women with Non-Food Items (NFI's), cash assistance, child-protection, anti-trafficking, mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS), and education.
World Vision's UCR hub will initially be in Romania, with operations in Romania, Western Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia. Due to the evolving nature of this crisis, World Vision has not finalized their expected beneficiary numbers but we are aiming to reach at 200,000 people within Romania, 50,000 within Ukraine and 20,000 inside Moldova. It is also supporting many of the estimated 4,500 refugees who have fled to Georgia.