We plan to train 100 public school children using 21st century skills such as Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration to cope with present day challenges beyond the classroom. Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy, Media Literacy, Health literacy, Global awareness, Life skills, Citizenship & Resilience will be taught. The training will take place in a 5 days summer camp in Kwara State. Also children will be provided with materials such as Chess, Cashflow , Monopoly etc.
Education has moved from the rudimentary way of teaching in class rooms, children have to learn digital literacy to stay relevant in the 21st century, Many Public schools don't have access to such facilities and capacity to teach this in their class rooms. The Children who attend these schools are left behind and aren't able to compete with their peers in Private Schools, where technology is deployed and trained.
In the camp children will be taught how to use a computer, android phones and mobile apps. They will learn financial literacy while playing monopoly, use Scrabble to learn new words, play chess to enhance critical thinking ,learn life skills and how to cope with stress. Global issues will be discussed, child rights and how to prevent sexual abuse using songs and videos. There will be extracurricular activities and sports during the camp.
The project will educate 100 children per School term helping them to become productive through their thinking and can cope positively with challenges of the 21st century. This will in-turn reduce poverty, social vices and keep the community healthy. They will also be able to look out for each other as new friendships will be developed during the camp and give them exposure and make them to be able to compete with their fellow students in the Private schools.