Children in urban slums are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. Through a Child Resource Centre in a slum in Mumbai we deliver programmes that improve school enrollment, address sexual abuse and create child friendly spaces. The Centre currently supports 30 children and through this project we will reach out to 300 children. We provide awareness on child rights and create joyful learning opportunities. We support rehabilitation for victims of abuse and train families on preventing child abuse.
60% of families displaced due to infrastructure projects in Mumbai are resettled in slums of M-East neighbourhood. The communities find it challenging to make the new slums their home. Governmental investments in education, health and protection are low. Amongst growing crime and an unsafe environment, poor families struggle to provide education and create a dignified life for their children. Our Child Resource Centre targets these children at maximum risk of abuse and dropping out of school.
The Child Resource Centre delivers programmes to educate, protect and empower children in a slum in M-East neighbourhood. It is a safe space for learning and improves school enrollment. It provides alternative recreation that positively channelises young people's energies. It creates awareness on addressing poor health and sanitation in the slum. The Centre provides psycho-social counselling and substance abuse support. It supports resolution of sexual abuse cases, rehabilitation and training.
The Centre is a vibrant space that children want to access. It promotes a safe environment in the slum of 150 families. It implements programmes in partnership with families, schools, hospitals and police. While impacting children's lives, the Centre enables cooperation between the community, government and private systems. This ensures a positive working relationship beyond the scope of the project. As children's lives are transformed, their families are empowered to educate and care for them.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).