Training Teachers in Ethiopia to Save Sight

by Orbis Ireland
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Training Teachers in Ethiopia to Save Sight
Training Teachers in Ethiopia to Save Sight
Training Teachers in Ethiopia to Save Sight
Training Teachers in Ethiopia to Save Sight
Training Teachers in Ethiopia to Save Sight
Training Teachers in Ethiopia to Save Sight
Training Teachers in Ethiopia to Save Sight


Orbis is dedicated to the treatment and prevention of avoidable blindness. Through supporting this project you will enable teachers to educate children on the importance of eye care. Few people realise that, in Ethiopia, blindness can result from a disease easily transmitted between infected and healthy eyes by flies or infected clothing, and a lack of clean water to wash. Through educating children we can ensure the next generation in Ethiopia grow up without the threat of avoidable blindness.

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A blinding and life destroying eye disease - trachoma - has blighted the people of Ethiopia. Trachoma is born out of poverty, and Ethiopia currently has more people affected by trachoma than any other country in the world. A scarcity of trained eye care professionals and services, low awareness of basic eye health and inadequate water and sanitation amenities, all contribute to the high prevalence of trachoma. Left untreated, trachoma results in a lifetime of blindness and dependence.


Through supporting this project you will help Orbis to train 96 teachers across 48 schools in the Konso region of Ethiopia. With a severe lack of eye care professionals in this area, training teachers in basic eye care enables them to screen children for preventable eye diseases. Following the training teachers establish eye care clubs in schools to educate students on the importance of good personal hygiene and sanitation practices so the next generation grow up without the threat of blindness.

Long-Term Impact

Treatments available for the prevention and cure of blindness are regarded among the most cost effective of all health care interventions. Restoring vision is life-changing. It not only affects individuals; blindness and visual impairment ripples through families, communities and, ultimately, economies. Through educating children on the importance of good eye health, we can ensure the attitudes of entire communities change too.


Organization Information

Orbis Ireland

Location: Dublin,, Dublin - Ireland
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ORBISIreland
Project Leader:
Diane Weatherup
Blackrock , Dublin Ireland

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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