This project seeks to train 30 neurosurgeons in Uganda by the year 2030, and provide financial relief for financially disadvantaged patients in need of neurosurgery. The donations will cover the living expenses, training materials, equipment and test fees for Ugandan neurosurgery residents as they go about their neurosurgery training and rotations.
Uganda has 12 neurosurgeons serving a population of approximately 40 million people. This is a ratio of 1 neurosurgeon for about 3 million people, far from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation of a ratio of 1:100,000. Based on the low availability of neurosurgical services in Uganda, people across the country are unable to access life-saving neurosurgical care. Uganda desperately needs more neurosurgeons.
Our goal is to train 30 neurosurgeons by 2030. These neurosurgeons will rotate in the country, providing treatment that, in many cases, has not been available to communities. You have the opportunity to contribute to the training of this next generation of Ugandan neurosurgeons. Donations to the NSU will go towards supporting the training of residents/students to achieve the goal of 30 neurosurgeons by 2030, bolstering the infrastructure required for neurosurgery, and supporting research.
The distribution of neurosurgical services in Uganda will provide equitable access to neurosurgical services for all patients in Uganda. We will dedicate future funding to the establishment of the Uganda Neuroscience Institute which will be a centre of excellence for neuroscience and neurology and champion cutting edge research to improve medical practice and patient care. We are working towards a Uganda where anyone can access potentially life-saving quality neurosurgical treatment.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).