Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar

by SEED Madagascar
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Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar
Threatened biodiversity in Madagascar


Nearly 20% of known animal species and 60% of known plant species in Madagascar are threatened with extinction, alongside a 44% decline in forest cover since the 1950s. On top of these alarming statistics, almost 80% of the human population lives below the international poverty line and communities in rural areas are often dependent on the declining forest resources. Since 2010, SEED has been working to preserve and protect the threatened biodiversity and ecosystems before we lose them forever.

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Madagascar is a location of high global biodiversity conservation priority, with 83% of its native species only found locally. Spanning nearly 2,000 hectares, the native littoral forests are considered one of the largest and most intact examples of this threatened habitat type remaining. Its high levels of biodiversity, and locally endemic species are fighting against a backdrop of continued forest fragmentation, pressure on natural resources and the constant threat of large-scale mining.


SEED's mission is to conserve native biodiversity, while sustainably managing natural resources benefiting local communities. Our current projects include: Project Ala (protecting habitat for Endangered lemurs); Project Rufus (increasing awareness for long-term survival of flying fox bats); Project Palms (protect conservation of 6 Red List palm species in Sainte Luce); Research on the potential new species of leaf chameleon; and Project Oratsimba (protection of lobsters from over-fishing).

Long-Term Impact

Although this year has seen many challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to strive to achieve our conservation missions. With over 20 years experience working in the Anosy region, conducting research and community-based preservation in the littoral forests, each project is designed to allow for long-term conservation. With your help, we aim to preserve the biodiversity and ecosystems in Sainte Luce, bring greater stability to the region and encouraging its communities to flourish.


Organization Information

SEED Madagascar

Location: London - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @SEEDMadagascar
Project Leader:
Mark Jacobs
London , London United Kingdom
$13,089 raised of $20,000 goal
17 donations
$6,911 to go
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