Psycho social support for 200 women with cancer

by Aid and Hope Program for Cancer Patients Care
Psycho social support for 200 women with cancer


This project will create a forum for women with cancer or survivors in Gaza to enable them to talk freely about their cancer experiences, and share their emotions and feelings to each other. This promotes the concept of peer to peer support. Support sessions will be conducted on a weekly basis for 200 women by a specialized psychotherapist.

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It's probably one of the most frightening sentences any patient can hear from their physician: "You have cancer, helping patients regain a sense of normalcy, maintain emotional stability, and improve their chances of ensuring a positive clinical outcome. This is also strongly associated with psychological aspects of cancer care. Psychological support is important to help patients to cope with any arising worries or fears.


The Rose Club (return to normal life) will allow women to talk about their experiences with others living with cancer, which can help reduce stress. Group members can share feelings and experiences that may seem too strange or too difficult to share with family and friends. And the group dynamics often create a sense of belonging that helps each person feel more understood and less alone.

Long-Term Impact

Ultimately, supportive care aims to ensure and improve the quality of life of the patients by covering several areas such as educational needs and psycho social support. The Rose Club will give 200 women with cancer a chance to receive support from other women who have lived through similar situation. moreover, this club will act as support group and brings women together by providing a safe forum for sharing concerns and and gaining confidence to face the future.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

Aid and Hope Program for Cancer Patients Care

Location: Gaza City - Palestine
Facebook: Facebook Page
Aid and Hope Program for Cancer Patients Care
Amira Ajjur
Project Leader:
Amira Ajjur
Gaza City , Palestine

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