The Forgiveness Project works with people who have experienced pain and trauma to understand what it might take to heal, restore and rehumanise ourselves and our communities. Working with both victims/survivors and former perpetrators our 'community of storytellers', we provide resources and tools and create spaces and opportunities which enable people to hear these stories of forgiveness, reconciliation and transformation across communities and among individuals.
The conversation in our culture seems increasingly focused on retaliation and revenge - we are constantly confronted with images of hurt, harm and trauma, and "us vs. them" rhetoric clouds complex conflicts. There is an urgent need to change this lens, with a focus on deeper and more nuanced exploration of issues.
Crucial to our ethos is that we explore rather than persuade, presenting opportunities for individuals to reflect on their own lives. Our work opens up these conversations. Drawing together voices from across the world it examines forgiveness as a healing process, a path out of victimhood and, ultimately, a journey of hope.
At the heart of The Forgiveness Project is the understanding that these restorative narratives have the power to transform lives; not only supporting people to overcome unresolved grievances, but also building a climate of tolerance, resilience, hope and empathy in the long run.
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