The bicycle is a way to bring the world closer

by Asociacion Civil Minkai para el Trabajo Solidario
The bicycle is a way to bring the world closer
The bicycle is a way to bring the world closer
The bicycle is a way to bring the world closer
The bicycle is a way to bring the world closer
The bicycle is a way to bring the world closer
The bicycle is a way to bring the world closer
The bicycle is a way to bring the world closer
The bicycle is a way to bring the world closer
The bicycle is a way to bring the world closer
The bicycle is a way to bring the world closer


This June 3rd we celebrate World Bike Day, and that's why we want to invite you to be part of a significant change. Throughout this campaign, we will be promoting that our scholarship recipients have a bicycle. We believe that every bike can transform lives and give young people the chance to have their own means of mobility. A bike can make the difference between getting to school, or not. And it is a key tool in rural areas where they have limited access to public transports

total goal
monthly donors


Many of the young people we support through our scholarship programs do not have public transportation to get to the school they attend. This means that sometimes the distances become a major obstacle for them to continue their education.


Having a bicycle to get between the rural area where young people live and the school they attend can make the difference between attending and not being able to attend. In this sense, at Minkai we already have the experience of how it has changed the daily life of some teenagers who have had access to a bicycle as a means of transportation, shortening distances and times.

Long-Term Impact

We would like to acquire 10 bicycles so that at least 10 of the young people can have this transportation tool. Having this bicycle can mean the difference between going to school or not, since sometimes young people travel almost 15 kms on foot to get there and another 15 kms to get back.


Organization Information

Asociacion Civil Minkai para el Trabajo Solidario

Location: Buenos Aires, CABA - Argentina
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @somosminkai
Project Leader:
Natalia Brutto
Buenos Aires , CABA Argentina
$100 raised of $6,000 goal
1 donations
$5,900 to go
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Young Girl with a Bicycle

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