Lifestyle diseases are the leading cause of death and disability today, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are responsible for 39% of the deaths in Kenya, they include diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular & chronic respiratory diseases. The Healthy Kids Kenya Initiative aims to actively involve all learners in health promotion through schools. We shall advocate for comprehensive lifestyle changes and increase opportunities for healthy habits that will translate into a lifetime of healthy living.
In Kenya chronic diseases including overweight and obesity have dramatically increased in children, because of risk factors including poor diets and physical inactivity. NCDs have pushed households into poverty as a result of health care expenses, income losses, disability & premature deaths. These negative impacts calls for a raft of measures to be taken. The Healthy Kids Kenya will inculcate healthy lifestyles from a tender age, by working with schools to curb these negative health trends.
Healthy Kids Kenya is dedicated to empowering Kenyan children by educating them about preventative health and creating a fun & supportive school environment using innovative approaches. Our programs prevent, manage, and in some instances reverse NCDs by providing schools with evidence-based resources that promote lifelong health, covering the following pillars: 1) Sports, Physical Activity & Physical Literacy, 2) Nutrition & Food Systems, and 3) Noncommunicable Disease (NCD) health literacy.
Lifestyle changes initiated during childhood persist to adulthood. The long-term impact of this initiative is embedding lifelong healthy-living behaviors that will improve the overall health and well-being of the target communities by reducing the risks of overweight, obesity, and NCDs, which represent major contributors to Kenya's national burden of disease and mortality. Your donation will enable us to deliver wellness programs to underserved schools across Kenya at a critical time.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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