Give poor, ethnic hill tribe minorities without nationality or identity papers an education and computer skills. Thereby, teach skillfulness and self-sufficiency; keep them away from sex trade.
Thousands of young girls from northern Thailand are being lured, forced and coerced into prostitution. Girls as young as 10 have been sold to brothels in Bangkok and cities overseas. In some areas, up to 90% of the girls who left their villages became trapped in the sex industry due to a cycle of poverty and debt. This project will affect more than 280 underprivileged children and teenagers presently living at the Development Education Programme project, attending the half-day school.
Provide a computer classroom with 30 computers for educating 280 children and teens. Train students how to use a computer (basic to advanced) and in computer applications such as Word, Excel, and Power Point, to enhance writing and reporting skills.
Getting an education is one of the best strategies to reduce the vulnerability of girls and boys. Girls and boys are less likely to succumb to human traffickers. Learning how to read, write and use a computer builds their self–esteem.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).