Project Report
| Dec 11, 2023
By felix posada | project leader
Zenu indigenous children, despite the isolation suffered by their communities, have also wanted to venture into the digital world with very precarious technical resources. Active participation in the indigenous radio station of San Andrés de Sotavento has encouraged them to continue exploring the digital world. In the training they received, they have learned how to make podcasts and have already started making several of them on their own. In these podcasts they talk about their life in communities; of their rights, many of which continue to be ignored by Colombian society.
They express dreams, illusions and, above all, they transmit hope. They trust that they will have a better future than the one experienced by parents and grandparents. Thanks to our processes they have increased self-confidence and their empowerment as people.
Aug 24, 2023
By felix posada | project leader
Indigenous adolescents are living a very complex stage of their lives. Patriarchal, macho culture had ignored women's values and dignity. From a very young age they were taught to believe themselves to be inferior to men and, therefore, subject to their authority.
This cultural concept has led to an abundance of pregnancies among young people between the ages of 11 and 12 in indigenous communities, many of them the result of rape committed by adults in their families. These violations remained in complete impunity and the young woman had to face all the social and economic consequences of bringing life into the world. They left school and had to dedicate themselves to working the rest of their lives in the lowest paying jobs in the region.
For some time we have been teaching indigenous children the rights of women and the right that everyone has to say NO to adult sexual abuse and violence. We have strengthened the self-esteem of young people and, in alliance with school teachers, we have promoted changes in the educational system to make comprehensive sexual education a topic that is present in the teaching that is taught in those schools.
May 8, 2023
By felix posada | project leader
Indigenous children have become defenders of peace, human rights and women's rights in communities. Through their programs on community stations such as "Positiva Estéreo" or school stations such as "Calle larga" they promote rights and denounce problems that have been tried to be hidden, such as gender violence and child abuse.
In some communities belonging to the San Andrés indigenous council, cases of 10, 11, and 12-year-old girls who become pregnant due to abuse by adults around them continue to be reported. These situations cannot continue in social oblivion. Children have taken up the defense of the victims, denouncing all these serious social offenses, all these crimes. It is not an easy task but community children have discovered power that gives them access and management of communication media such as radio