SWIFT understands that eradicating poverty will lead to the eradication of societal problems that we face in the world today. The Covid 19 crisis has caused untold misery for thousands of our members who are now without any form of income. With not social support available in Eswatini the need is great, we now need to keep people alive.
The greatest need now is livelihood support. Over 3000 of our members are now without any from of income for their families which on average, are 6 dependants. With the shut down the handmade sector is not an essential business, it also relies heavily on the tourist trade. In Eswatini we have a triple threat, Covid 19, HIV and Tuberculosis and now the loss of livelihoods.
We are appealing to all for assistance with donations to allow us to get food to our rural members. Over 3000 people are without income due to Covid19 in our membership, the need is high. Our rural producers are suffering the most due to high levels of poverty, no access to clean water and many already suffering from HIV or tuberculosis. Our plan is to use the electronic platform, Mobile Money to send $ 20.00 to each of them to allow them to at least buy essentials to keep their families alive
We need to keep alive, starvation is a very real threat as we move into the Winter season.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).