We are providing care, protection, and wellbeing support. We are infusing hope to older adults living in long-term care institutions in the outskirts of Sao Paulo city (Brazil), and to their families. We are giving protective equipment, educational, health and key emotional support to more than 500 older adults, the most vulnerable public to complications and death caused by Covid 19, representing the leading risk factor for a catastrophic situation. For us to continue, your donation is vital!
13,807 older adults live in 611 long-term care institutions in Sao Paulo city. They are an extremely high-risk group for Covid-19 infection and death, as they have multiple risk factors, such as chronic diseases and a decline in immunity. Almost half of Covid deaths will occur among them. These institutions have no conditions or funding to fight the pandemic. Until a vaccine arrives, they still are at high risk. Our project will benefit +530 older adults and +300 caregivers in such institutions.
To reduce the high risk of Covid-19 infection and death of older adults living in long-term care institutions in the outskirts of Sao Paulo, caregivers and institutions staff, we provide testing, places disinfection, educational materials, instruction and guidance on prevention, personal protective equipment (PPE) (alcohol gel, masks, gloves and aprons), psychological and nursing support, periodic visits, and daily care. This create hope and a real possibility of confronting the Covid epidemic.
The project will reduce the high risks of contamination and death of more than 500 older adults and 300 caregivers and staff in 20 long-term care institutions on the outskirts of the city of Sao Paulo. It will guarantee the use of masks, gloves and aprons and the access to care and orientation. Check the project additional material and see the results we already achieved. The created knowledge of their lives will also contribute to anticipating actions and projects for such vulnerable group.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).