Due to the tragic HIV AIDS epidemic, there are many children orphaned with limited resources to help care for them. We aim to help some of these children. With your help we can ensure that they have a matron to care for them, food to eat, clothes, medical care, educations, and the basic needs of day to day life.
The problem we are facing is that with the AIDS epidemic and the basic hard lifestyle of life in rural Africa, there are a lot of orphans who do not have extended family willing to take them in. These children have been dealt a hear hand at life, but we can help make it better.
We provide a matron for these orphans so that they can stay in their family home instead of being dumped into orphanages. We believe that whenever possible, the family unit should be kept intact. While these children do not have parents, they do have land that belonged to the late parents and that inheritance needs to be safe guarded. We also provide them with food, medical care, clothes, school fees, and the basic necessities of every day life.
By investing in the children, we are creating intelligent, sustainable adults who can and will contribute to society. Instead of being trapped in the circle of extreme poverty that the less fortunate often fall into.