The Advocacy Project is seeking $2,000 to help Pa-O Youth Organization, a Burmese peacebuilding CSO, to provide emergency relocation assistance to young people being sought for arrest by the military junta. PYO supports activism, monitors environmental and human rights, and provides humanitarian aid to IDPs. The group also supports young people who are targeted for their activism and refuse forced conscription, by helping them obtain identification papers and reach safety on the Thai border.
Since 2021, the junta has targeted civilian democracy, human rights, and environmental activists. It has criminalized acts such as giving humanitarian aid to IDPs and recording human rights abuses. If caught, activists risk not only imprisonment but also being tortured, disappeared, or killed. Since the military enacted the conscription law this spring, young activists have been at increased risk. They now face a choice between taking up arms (on either side of the war) or fleeing to the border.
Using its network in Shan State and along the Thai-Myanmar border, PYO will identify and support individuals from two categories: First, young people and activists who have caught the attention of the Burmese military and are at grave risk if they remain in Myanmar; Second, young people on the draft list. This emergency relocation fund will help these young people with travel, identification documents, access to safe houses, food, and basic needs during their first 3 months of relocation.
This appeal will take pressure off young Myanmar activists who are fleeing the conflict and allow them to continue saving lives, promoting democratic federalism, and supporting non-violent efforts to end the war. It will also expand their network. Our appeal will also protect vulnerable young people from being forcibly conscripted in Burma. Taken together, these measures will protect lives, reduce the militarization of Burmese society, and hasten peacebuilding and reconstruction in Burma.
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