Project Report
| Sep 30, 2021
Orphan during second wave to COVID19
By Jothi Chetty | Chief Executive
Asha Deep Foundation is has, been working since 1991 for the orphan children of India. More than 6000 children are benefitted through this program.
Recently due to COVID 19 many children have become orphan.
Asha, Deep Foundation is working towards the Educational support to the orphan children.
The support you provide reaches the children who are orphan and need educational support.
Radha, Rama and Raju are three children who lost both the parents due to COVID 19.
Father was a daily wage labourer and mother was home maker
Three children studying in classes 2. 3 and 4 ... We could help these children to continue their education in the School with your support.
Thanks to each one of you for your support.
Jun 13, 2021
Orphan during second wave to COVID19
By Jothi Chetty | Chief Executive
In India still we all are in shock it will take some more time for all of us to come out of the tragedy hitted our Country.... We have lost many many people mainly our near and dear ones.
It was like a Tsunami suddenly we saw big diaster and just people have gone to be with God.
Rani just 3 yrs old and Sheenu 6 yrs old first lost grand father, then mother, then grand mother and lastly mother also due to COVziD 19 and become orphan
Several such incident noted in India and children have become orphan. Our organization is identifying the orphan children and facilitating to get Shelter and trying to link them with Government Schemes.
Now slowly we are coming out of shock....
Hope soon the situation will improve....
Feb 24, 2021
Educational Support to the vulnerable children
By Jothi Chetty | Chief Executive
Asha Deep Foundation during this pandemic situation in India , where all the Schools were closed, our organisation was visiting the vulnerable children families and door to door interacted with familes and helped the children in Education. Following all the guidelines as per the Government Rules, our organisation is providing extra support in Education in the form of Remedial classes and helping all the children who are unbale to study online.
Asha Deep Foundatio works for the underprivileged community and most of the familes economic condition is not good and due to the pandemic situation the condition of the familes was more difficult and having the mobile phone is only a dream.
Most of the School was running online classes during the pandemic situation but our organisation following all the guidelines of the Government reached to the children who do not have mobile phones and helped to them to study and gave the support to the children.
I want to thank each donor who is supporting our organisation, please continue your support as it will help us to reach the more vulnerable children of the community and help them in EDUCATION and provide Educational support to the children.