To provide financial support to the people of Pinar Del Rio Cuba who were affected by the devastation of Hurricane Ian. Pinar Del Rio was the first region hit by this hurricane and suffered substantial damage to its farmlands.
To assist people who cannot go to a local big store in Cuba and buy what they need to recover. The products must be found in Cuba if possible and at a heavy price. It is not only difficult but impossible without having money in their pockets to make the deal. The second challenge is that we cannot as an organization carry large items into Cuba without getting a high import tax and that tax would have to be paid in a currency other than American dollars.
On our next trip four weeks from now, we will carry the money to Cuba and give it to the farmers that are currently in our medicine programs and let them decide where the greatest need is and how to use the funds best to help them in this current situation.
Some of the funds will be used to purchase supplies in Cuba when available, including small generators for use in their homes. The Cubans know best how to get these items when available as it is impossible at this time to ship any of those items. The loss of perishable foods during extended electrical outages is devastating, especially to those farmers who have children.