New Era Educational and Charitable Foundation fosters youth leadership development that promotes pluralism and rejects corruption. We support youth with skills to become peer-leaders and agents of peace capable of helping themselves, of shaping a positive and sustainable society that rejects violence, and who insist on communicating excellence and unbridled compassion for all.
In Nigeria, obnoxious social norms, political exclusion and economic disparity dictate the presence and voice of women in public life. According to 2006 Nigerian population census figure, women constituted 49 percent of the total population, but there has been a gross gender gap between men and women, especially in political representation, economic management and leadership. Lack of skills training opportunities among women is a common issue.
New Era Educational and Charitable Support Foundation plans to build a Livelihood Skills Training Center to provide practical skills training and workforce efficiencies development for 1500 Women from 2020-2021. The Livelihood Skills Center will provide life and soft- skills training such as Computer (Word Processing and Desktop Publishing), English and CV writing as well as Vocational Training such as cooking, tailoring, accounting, hairdressing, etc.
Women are among the most important and yet overlooked stakeholders in nation building. This Project will empower 1500 women in 2 years, through Vocational and Livelihood Skills Training. We hope to build a permanent Livelihood Skills Training Center, through which we can continue to train and support women in Nigeria.
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