This project aims to provide pedagogical materials for students and teachers to ensure adequate literacy for children in Brazil.
Learning how to read and write is a challenge for many children. Such difficulties are especially common in Brazil, where 44% of the population between 0 and 14 are from poor households and more than 3.3 million children between 5 and 17 are in child labor situation. As a result, 35% of 8-year-olds in the country does not have the expected learning for this age group. This means that 1/3 of the students in literacy age are either unable to write, or write with considerable misspellings mistakes.
To ensure that all Brazilian children are fully literate by the age of 8, it is necessary to develop a systematic work at schools. For this purpose, Cenpec is launching a collection consisting of a series of interactive materials, digital books and games for students, as well as pedagogical guides for teachers. The collection will be distributed to a 100,000 teachers and has the potential to benefit 9.2 million Brazilian students who are in literacy process.
To master the skills of reading and writing and the social use of written language is increasingly important to the full exercise of a 21th citizenship. Only with consistent work and new pedagogical approaches, Brazil will be able to achieve the National Education Plan goals and ensure that, until 2024, 100% of Brazilian children are fully literate by the age of 8, ready to face the next challenges of basic education and to exercise their citizenship.