Support for Children in Ukraine

by Caritas Austria
Support for Children in Ukraine
Support for Children in Ukraine
Support for Children in Ukraine
Support for Children in Ukraine
Support for Children in Ukraine
Support for Children in Ukraine
Support for Children in Ukraine
Support for Children in Ukraine


Access to education is essential for children: their individual development and future opportunities depend on it. The humanitarian situation caused by the war is catastrophic and the need for basic assistance is ever more pressing. At the same time, with children being among the most affected groups in humanitarian crises, it is important to provide them with educational measures and learning support to ensure children's right to education - especially in times of war.

total goal
monthly donors


Of the more than 13 million displaced Ukrainians, 7.14 million people are internally displaced, including 2.1 million children. In total, 5.7 million children are disrupted from normal school learning, with around 10% of IDP's children that are totally out of schooling, with potential negative effects on their future lives. Additionally, up to 1.8 million children forced to flee urgently need psychosocial and mental health support to overcome the traumas suffered during the war.


Ensuring that children can exercise their internationally defined right to education even in the context of war is central to ensuring that they do not grow up to become a so-called "lost generation". In addition to classical educational measures and learning support, Caritas's education projects also include essential accompanying measures (psychosocial and mental health support) that help children to process what they have experienced and enable them to follow the content taught in class.

Long-Term Impact

This approach is especially important in Ukraine, where also the teachers and school staff need psychosocial support as they are not only responsible for their students and their concerns and problems but are also self-affected by this crisis.


Organization Information

Caritas Austria

Location: Vienna - Austria
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @CaritasOsterreich
Project Leader:
Andreas Jagersberger
Vienna , Vienna Austria

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