LISTO trains and supports public education in Mexico.Its purpose is to transform schools through their principals, providing accompaniment to educational leaders, so that they directly benefit their students, including teachers, parents and communities, for the purpose of improving educational achievement/LISTO capacita y apoya a la educacion publica en Mexico. Su proposito es transformar las escuelas a traves de sus directores, brindando acompanamiento a los lideres educativos.
We have had great success with the program, but we want more participants to know about the program. Given that education in Latin America lags behind compared to other international entities, we believe that training directors is vital for the improvement of the region./Queremos que mas participantes conozcan el programa.Dado que la educacion en Latinoamerica presenta grandes rezagos, creemos que invertir en la capacitacion de directores es vital para la mejora de la region
With your help, we can grant scholarships to more participants so that principals and directors can receive specialized accompaniment from educational and technological coaches to bolster their professional and personal development. /Con tu ayuda, podemos becar a mas participantes para que cuenten con el acompanamiento especializado por coaches educativos y tecnologicos para su desarrollo tanto profesional como personal.
Students who have learned from LISTO participants reported that the LISTO program has positively affected their schools, creating more propitious environments to eradicate the educational deficiencies. By working first hand with directors we achieve a lasting impact, which affects multiple generations of students./Los alumnos han reportado que el programa listo ha favorecido positivamente dentro de sus centros escolares.Junto con los directores logramos un impacto duradero, en multiples generaci
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).