Studio Samuel creates pathways and empowers at-risk girls in Africa to become self-reliant. Our program provides healthcare, life skills training, and computer programming classes to prepare girls for gainful employment and careers. Girls in Ethiopia face child marriage, trafficking, child labor, and lack of access to education. Families in our community live on < $2 per day. To date, 94% of our students have improved academically and two students have received four-year college scholarships.
Girls in Ethiopia face child marriage, trafficking, child labor, and lack of access to education. In our community, only 16% of girls advance from primary school to secondary school and 41% of female domestic workers are ages 10-19 years. 64% of Ethiopians who are unemployed in our community are women.
Our two-year program, Training for Tomorrow, provides healthcare, life skills training, and computer programming to prepare girls to stand on their own. At the core is counseling, group and individual, to address past trauma. Already 100 girls are enrolled and advancing in our program; another 200 are eager to participate. Two of our graduates, who would normally have left school to support their families, have received four-year college scholarships as a result of their life skills training.
This year, 100 girls in Training for Tomorrow will gain the skills and confidence to improve their lives and the lives of their families. This is transformative, since women are key drivers of economic growth. In order to eradicate extreme poverty and build vibrant economies, women must gain access to education, jobs, and leadership opportunities. (UN) "The profitability of education, according to estimates of private rate of return, is indisputable, universal, and global." (The World Bank).
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).