Supporting children and their families from excluded communities in rural India to escape child labour and to access education, healthcare and livelihood support.
Social exclusion results in these families being dependent on forced labour, such as rolling raw tobacco into cigarettes. Children are at risk from exposure to carcinogens, first in the womb and later when handrolling cigarettes as child labourers, as well as numerous other serious health conditions. These families rarely have access to education, do not own land or have choices in alternative livelihoods.
We are working alongside 11,500 children and their families in the project villages, which is a total of 40,000 people. We provide an integrated program of education, health-care & livelihood schemes stopping child labour, including access to education and mobile health clinics. We also work to address the root causes of poverty among these communities, such as offering micro-finance self-help savings groups and preventative work in areas such as child marriage.
Each child can access education, proper health care, nutrition and a space to play and express themselves, enabling them to have a childhood free from child-labour and child marriage, supporting their overall development and the completion of their education.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).
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