The role of women is essential in the fight for development at the national level and in a context of global sustainable development. Today more than ever, our societies need all intelligences to promote development. To hold their place in our rapidly changing societies, women need to create conditions conducive to the awareness of their abilities and to bring society to change their vision vis-à-vis their capacity of participation. Despite the efforts made by the states in the implementation of gender policy, it is clear that the place given to women in the construction of society remains weak. Individual female skills internationally are recognized. Indeed, the school enrollment rate of girls in Burkina Faso (27%), the number of women scientists in research structures (8%) and in public higher education about 10 % are an illustration of this. In addition, the orientation of girls to study natural sciences (physics-chemistry-mathematics) and high-level technical careers remains marginal. Some women associations join forces and are working for a greater interest of women and girls in science and technology. In addition to this challenge in Burkina Faso, like many countries in Africa, high pregnancy rates in schools of girls is a silent pain that causes a lot of bitterness. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 80 million school-age pregnancies occur each year in developing countries.
According to the Ministry of National Education (MENA) in Burkina Faso about 2,295 cases of school-age pregnancies, were observed in 2014 throughout the country. The reasons for this growing rate of school-based pregnancies are many and varied: socio-cultural factors (early and forced marriages, irresponsibility of parents, weak ability to talk about sexuality, depravation of morals, sexual, the influence of bad company, prostitution), inadequacy of reception centers for girls. Also economic factors explain the situation: poverty and misery. The consequences of early pregnancies are numerous: illegal abortions, school dropouts, exclusion from the family, child abandonment, infanticide, family conflicts, marginalization, social exclusion, increase in family expenses, prostitution, and psychological shock, loss of dignity or honor, banishment…
Some girls arrived by their great effort to reach high education level and it will be very good to support them to have a successful study.
One of the strategic objectives of Burkina Faso’s National Economic and Social Development Plan is to increase supply and improve the quality of education, higher education and training in line with the needs of the economy. It aims to achieve SDG 5: achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.