Project Report
| Sep 8, 2021
Support 2000 kenya school girls with reusable pads
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
In this project our focus has been mainly on supporting girls with sanitary towels which has been our major activity. The project has other activities but provision of reusable sanitary towels has been very essential and especially during the covid 19 pandemic. In the process of implementing this activity we have been addressing 2 areas one is providing sanitary towels to our girls and they remain in school and the other one is promoting Karunga women group creating job opportunities for them. Many families were negatively affected by the pandemic and in some families bread winners lost their source of income worsening the situation and especially in the vulnerable households leaving the parents with very little to offer to their children. We have continuously worked with Karunga women group as we have been purchasing reusable sanitary towels from them. The women in the group have lost their source of income as a result of the pandemic and following the restrictions by the ministry of health the group put on hold monthly meetings, working in the workshop etc. The market for their products was affected as well resulting to reduced income. The pandemic is still there and people are learning to cope with the situation and working out on alternatives to earn income and provide basic needs to their families. Karunga women group recognizes Necofa as their reliable customers for the reusable sanitary towels and whenever we take long without placing orders, they never get tired of calling us requesting us place orders for their products. On our end it has not been obvious to place order with them not because we don’t want their products but due to limited resources. The number of beneficiaries is growing day by day unfortunately we have not been in a position to accommodate the high demand for the reusable sanitary towels. Our concern to our girls is great and we find ways of supporting the most vulnerable girls with sanitary towels. Thank you for your generosity which has enabled us address some of the most needed support. Girls are dropping out of school due to pregnancies and early marriages as a result of vulnerability. We have tried to save the situation but still there is much to be done. Trainings on sexuality have been conducted in Baringo County where the cases of dropping out of schools have been increasing. The government is not doing much on this and parents are left very desperate. Together with our partners Mundo Possible from Spain, we have been conducting trainings to students and parents on sexuality and reproduction health and there is need to do more to reduce cases of girls dropping out of schools. To achieve our goals towards this we welcome our friends and well-wishers to consider making contributions to our project. We appreciate all support given before and we don’t take it for granted, thank you very much.
May 19, 2021
Support 2000 kenya school girls with reusable pads
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
It is always a big blow to me whenever a young school girl in primary school or secondary school drop out as a result of pregnancy. Just this morning I received a phone call from a teacher in forming me that a primary school girl has dropped out due to pregnancy. To me this is really painful as this means that the lifestyle of that school girl has changed when she is still very young. She becomes a young mother adding more responsibilities to her struggling parents. It is high time that we sit with our girls to empower them even more as people and especially grown up men are taking advantage of these young girls. Lack of sanitary towels is one of the reasons that girls’ fall into men’s traps once they are promised some money and in the process they are sexually used and later damped and especially when they become pregnant.
In our small ways, we have been reaching girls in remote areas to educate them and sensitize them on various topics and distributing reusable sanitary towels to save them from early pregnancies and early marriages. Since schools opened in January we have supported over 100 girls with reusable sanitary towels in Baringo Kachiuru and Nakuru. The government of Kenya has been distributing disposable sanitary towels in some schools but still the gap has been widening up as we have so many girls who are not benefitting. Thanks to the well-wisher of this project as we are reaching more girls through your generous support. Thank you for supporting our girls. We intend to reach more girls this term as well distributing more sanitary towels and creating more awareness on sex education. To reach more girls and provide more sanitary towels, we call upon our friends, donors and well-wishers to chip in and save our young girls from the abuse and shame they go through due to lack on the sanitary towels. Thank you for your support and helping our girls, together we can help and support even more.
Jan 21, 2021
Support 2000 kenya school girls with reusable pads
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
The year 2020 is gone and we have started a new year 2021, it is our prayers that the year will be fruitful and we will have more reasons to smile and forget the year 2020 which was very difficult for many people in the world. Lives has been lost and many other negative things came in as a result of the pandemic. We are happy that finally our schools have been opened and student have reported back. It was our prayers for this to happen as it really hurts to see young people boys and girls ruining their lives and other people ruining lives of the young people. In this case our girls in many parts of the country were negatively affected by the prolonged closure of schools where many men took advantage of them being out of school. The government has been reporting an increased number of girls dropping out of schools as a result of pregnancies and early marriages during the pandemic which is very sad. Poverty as well has contributed to this and many girls fell in the traps of men who used them sexually cheating them with money and taking advantage of their vulnerability. Sanitary towels are basic essentials that every girl over the age of 12 years and some even below need to have every month and have enough of them to use during their ministrations. Unfortunately for some reasons, many girls and especially in the villages where majority are do not always have sanitary towels when they need them. We have been distributing reusable sanitary towels in schools so that these girls have them ready every month they need them. In November and December 2020 we distributed 100 packs of reusable sanitary towels to needy girls in Kajiado, Isiolo and Baringo Counties especially focusing on young girls who have just started experiencing monthly periods. We understand that there is an increased need of sanitary towels in various parts of the country and we intend to distribute more sanitary towels in schools. We hope to have more friends, well-wishers, partners and donors contribute to our project to enable us distribute more sanitary towels to the needy girls and save them from the men who are sexually using them in exchange of money to buy sanitary towels. This project has benefitted many girls and we would wish to have many more benefiting. There are many young girls who are starting their periods at a tender age and we would hate to see them suffering and struggling during their monthly periods. We invite you to help us save our young girls by contributing to this project and buy them sanitary towels. Thank you for the support given previously and helping in saving our girls, we really appreciate and together we will save even more and build their confidence and dignity. Thank you once more.