Project Report
| Feb 14, 2021
Challenges and Teachable Moments
![Parents donate food to school]()
Parents donate food to school
In Kenya, schools have reopened after a long shutdown due to the Coronavirus. We have been limited in what we were able to do and faced many challenges in the implementation of social distancing due to high numbers of students, and handling vulnerable young boys and girls.
We have put a break to our virtue meetings until the virus subsides because we don't go for assemblies. We take one of the virtue club members at a time to pick a Virtue of the Week and teachers do the rest by explaining the meaning and practice of the virtue at convenient time. We are looking forward to the normalcy return for us to be able to do what we love most.
Teachers are receiving training in virtues, an important element in Kenya's new curriculum that is competency-based curriculum that puts an emphasis on virtues.
The virus has provided teachable moments. I was deeply moved by the sacrifice of my foster children who decided to have two meals a day so they too could support the less fortunate, and proud that they acted with so much love. One child received an award of 3000 Kenya shillings and decided to purchase food stuffs for the orphans in Mwiyenga School. Our parents generously donated food. You can imagine how far and wide virtues can helps us stretch our hands.
We sincerely appreciate your donations that helped provide masks and sanitizer to our students, supported payment of primary student school fees and daily snacks for the less fortunate, as well as, supported payment of school fees and personal effects shopping for some of our high school students. Thank you for standing with us during this trying time. We are grateful for your generosity, kindness and unconditional love.
![Teacher Training in Virtues]()
Teacher Training in Virtues
![Lunchtime for Pupils]()
Lunchtime for Pupils