Stop Violence Against Children Worldwide

by ISPCAN The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Stop Violence Against Children Worldwide
Stop Violence Against Children Worldwide
Stop Violence Against Children Worldwide
Stop Violence Against Children Worldwide
Stop Violence Against Children Worldwide
Stop Violence Against Children Worldwide
Stop Violence Against Children Worldwide
Stop Violence Against Children Worldwide


ISPCAN unites over 1000 Child Abuse and Neglect professionals from more than 100 countries to create a diverse and the multi-disciplinary community from the fields of psychiatry, psychology, medicine, nursing, social work, education, legal, law enforcement, faith communities and government. ISPCAN reaches over 6000 professionals each year dedicated to preventing child abuse, neglect and exploitation. ISPCAN's vision is that all children will live and grow in rights-respecting environments.

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Every year over 1.5 billion children worldwide are affected by some form of violence. However, less than 1% of financial and human resources are dedicated to this issue. Violence against children takes many forms, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, deprivation, malnourishment, homelessness, child marriages, genital mutilation, child prostitution, sex trafficking, children of war and forced migration and child labor.


Child Abuse and Neglect is 100% preventable. ISPCAN is committed to eradicating violence against children worldwide by increasing public awareness of all forms of violence against children, developing activities to prevent such violence, and promoting the rights of children in all regions of the world. The core of ISPCAN's work focuses on knowledge and skills building in the field of child abuse, neglect and exploitation across all disciplines to work together to improve outcomes for children.

Long-Term Impact

Child abuse, neglect and other forms of violence have a lifelong impact on children's physical, emotional and social development. Beyond the harm caused to children, abuse undermine families and communities due to the long term negative consequences on physical and mental health, education, employment, and the economic, civic and social order. We must protect our most precious resource - our children. Impact the individual child and you effect: *Family *Community *Culture *Governments *The World

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

ISPCAN The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect

Location: Aurora, CO - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ISPCAN
ISPCAN  The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Jane Estes
Project Leader:
Jane Estes
Aurora , CO United States

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