Project Report
| Sep 10, 2018
Quarterly Update!
By Bikash Gurung | Co-founder
To all donors and volunteers, Journey Home Foundation continue to carry our mission. Our midwifery training is still going on. In few months, we hope to start awareness campaign and take midwifery training to each villages. Our goal is to reach 12 villages. Currently due to monsoon weather, our volunteers are unable to travel to remote villages.
The 2015 earthquake affected about 2.9 million peoples of Nepal, more than 9000 people lost their lives and injured 200,000 people and destroying houses, school, hospitals, health post in many villages. JHF continue to play vital role by provide education, health and vocation trainings to those who are at risk of being trafficked. We are transforming many rural areas women's lifes by proving medical assistance. JHF has been training group of young women to become midwives to improve rural women's lifes. JHF just ran health camp successfully in remote villages
May 2, 2018
Our most recent report from the field!
By Bikash Gurung | Vice president
Jan 2, 2018
End of Year 2017!
By Bikash Gurung | Vice President
2017 T H A N K Y O U
Journey Home Foundation wants to thank all of you for helping us provide Community Medical Assistant (CMA) training for six grateful women from the remote villages of Nepal. Our candidates are now interns in the field, when they complete the next three months of training they will also work teaching new candidates in basic health care. In Nepal medical doctors migrate to other nations or typically work in the urban areas due to distance, income, language barriers and rural superstitions. The Journey Home team is once again uniquely positioned to gain the trust of villagers and integrate our CMA graduates back into the local communities they grew up in. In the new year our six woman team will provide basic health care and midwifery in their region.
2018 Education Drive for Midwifery, Health Care and Hygiene
Nepal is one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world, with 30.8 percent of its population living below the poverty line (CBS, 2066). The country has been ranked at the 144th lowest position in the Human Development Report. Regarding gender equality, it ranks a bleak 110th out of 114.
The measure of a country's health is the degree to which the citizens are physically and mentally fit, and it is a vital part of its infrastructure and capacity for development. Education, in the absence of good health, becomes impossible.
Nepal lacks hospitals, health posts and health centers in its remote areas. Medical treatment is virtually non-existent and often accessible only with substantial travel on foot. These isolated villages rely on witch doctors, or Dhami Jhankri (Shamans). Consequently, the people do not seek treatment at a distant heath post, and the expense and difficulty of going to an urban hospital is insurmountable, especially in a debilitated state.
In 2016 in Cooperation with the Circle of Health International (COHI) Journey Home Foundation began training six women as Community Medicine Assistants. Today we are in need of funds to cover our current expenses for the midwifery and medical training and for the housing, food and the medical needs of our Kathmandu shelter residents attending school.
A Look Back at 2017
JHF is dedicated to strengthening the communities most vulnerable to traffickers. Healthy, supportive conditions in the villages improve the chances that the women can remain there and find meaningful work through JHF's vocational courses. As part of its overall effort to this effect, JHF is building village bathrooms and establishing a clean water supply for the villages we serve. Please here for more information