The Baghakats Educational Center in Goris will fill the educational gap and help make Goris a technological center. Moreover, it will become the core component of a future technopark in Goris. The motto of Real School is "work and experience" or in other words "study and practice", which clearly demonstrates the mission of this school. Here the educational process is fully project-based, during which the students face real and big challenges and think about how to overcome them.
The students graduate from school without acquiring the soft and technical skills needed to overcome real-life challenges. Critical and creative thinking are not included in the curriculum but are very important in the modern world. There is no possibility of other alternative education in Syunik. The Real School fills the qualified human resources gap thus preventing youth migration from the region. Education is the foundation of a strong state, so Real School students work on real problems
Self-learning is the base of the educational process. Students use online academic platforms to implement their projects and consult with industry experts, as well as pass internships in various companies. It is possible to keep the school free and accessible for everyone interested, there is no tuition. The school have sponsor companies and as a model it is close to the vocational education.
The goals of this school are to provide quality and modern education for the youth in Goris. Fill the gaps in the labor market of Goris by offering quality human resources to the local employers. Contribute to technological development of Goris. Decrease youth migration from Syunik and Armenia.
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