We started St. Mary's Hospital and Nursing school, 60 poor students were studying Diploma in Nursing in three year course. We are running Rental building. It is not sufficient for Teaching and and hostel. We cover 100 rural villages, they need 24 Hours Emergency clinic for snack biting, BP, Sugar, accident. 35 K.M. distance to the near hospital. We construct Hospital and School building. It will be very useful for poor students and poor villagers.
We are running the course with Rental building. 60 poor girls were studying in the Diploma in Nursing with three year course. The rooms is not sufficient for Teaching and Practical practices and hostel. We cover 100 villages around Mettukudisai. They are agricultural labours and daily wages. They need 24 Hours Emergency Hospital for snack biting, BP, Sugar, diarria, accident, save their lives. We construct ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL - CUM - NURSING SCHOOL BUILDING.
When completed the course they will be get Government Job and also Private job. The Girls stand their own legs and earn 10,000/- per month. 24 Hours Emergency Hospital running with help of Nursing students.. We need 11 rooms for teaching , 10 rooms for Hostel and 10 rooms for Hospital and need all necessary medical equipment. The surrounding village people benefit in the day-night time and emergency period. Protect snack biting, BP, Sugar, diarrhea, accident, save their lives.
60 poor girl student studying every year and benefited by this course. The Rural and Tribal women and children will be benefit. 24 Hours Emergency Hospital running with help of Nursing students and One part time doctor in the school campus. Nearly 200,000 people in 100 villages, directly and indirectly benefited by this program. We give awareness on health education for women, safe water and sanitation.