Mann Deshi Champions empowers rural girls in India to redefine winning: equipping them to be successful through nutrition, education and athleticism. With unprecedented access to sports facilities, equipment and nurturing coaches, our Champions build communication and leadership skills, practicing dedication and teamwork. Altogether, they are encouraged to be brave and bold no matter the arena or opposition their future presents: police officer or gym coach, nutritionist or professional athlete.
Lack of access limits opportunity. In India, few rural schools provide athletic facilities, mentorship and health programs, inhibiting children's social and motor development. Girls are especially vulnerable to the consequences - often dropping out of school and getting married to lower family costs. The resulting low confidence levels make them more likely to justify abuse as women that feel hopeless and dependent rarely have the chance to control their decisions, bodies and consequently lives.
Through mentorship, athletic training and facilities like our Olympic size swimming pool, children are encouraged to swim faster, dream bigger and speak bolder. A nutritious meal paired with health classes allow the children to develop and reflect in their Peer Groups designed to foster growth and community. To highlight girls, we offer them specialized employment training. By 2020, we aim for 1,100 of our girls to be employed in jobs like gym trainer, nutritionist and police officer.
Since 2011, over 4,000 athletes, mostly girls, have been trained. 150 have excelled in state and national championships. Over 55 are now in jobs that surpass total previous family income. Our hope is to empower families with children that are healthy, hard working and passionate. We look to train 1000+ girls from rural villages for future employment. Until then, we will continue to stabilize health throughout Maharashtra, developing future leaders by expanding skillsets and exciting mindsets.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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