Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness

by Stichting Green Cross Nederland
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Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness
Help build a speaker platform to raise awareness


Speakers for Awareness is a speakers platform that generates and accelerates both awareness and impact, by providing speakers on social-economical and ecological sustainability to businesses and other organizations (initially in The Netherlands) while donating their fees to impact projects of NGO's worldwide.

total raised
monthly donors


We as a global community are faced with a great many social-economical and ecological challenges. The Earth is severely pressured under the demands of our growing global population. Harmonious connections between people, groups, and countries are also disturbed. These challenges are highly interrelated. We need more collective awareness on the urgency of these issues, in order to create a value shift which will lead to behavior change.


Speakers for Awareness (SfA) will act as an accelerator for awareness of the most pressing sustainability issues. By listening to an influential speaker on these issues, people will improve their understanding, update their values and change their behavior. This will have a Butterfly Effect, from which ripples will go all over the world. The other unique characteristic of the SfA project is that speakers are contracted to donate their full fee to an impact project of an NGO of their choice.

Long-Term Impact

The potential impact of increased awareness of many thousands of participants who listen to the ideas of the speakers is truly massive. These impacted people will go back to their jobs and families and will spread their increased awareness and knowledge further. There is no telling how the Butterfly Effect will do its work, but we can say that by 60 presentations in the first year alone, over 10.000 people will be reached. Through this, an additional 165.000 will be donated to impact projects.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Stichting Green Cross Nederland

Location: Nijmegen - Netherlands
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @greencrossint
Stichting Green Cross Nederland
Mick Janssen
Project Leader:
Mick Janssen
Nijmegen , Gelderland Netherlands

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