Sight for 5,000 Poor Blind Children in Bangladesh

by Disable Development & Educational Foundation (DDEF)
Sight for 5,000 Poor Blind Children in Bangladesh


This project will give the gift of SIGHT to 5000 poor blind children in Bangladesh who suffer from curable blindness due to Cataract. The only issue is they can either not access or afford the treatment and turn needlessly blind. Blindness is in itself a stark reality but childhood blindness is worse as the number of years ahead are much more.The good news is that their vision can be restored by donating only $82 to DDEF-the largest free eye trust with 1 hospitals and 2 Eye clinics in Bangladesh

total goal
monthly donors


Unfortunately, for almost 2.5 million children in Bangladesh, the snapshots of life remain undeveloped negatives; shrouded in darkness. They suffer from blindness or impaired vision - conditions that could easily have been prevented or cured. The sad fact is that 90% of blindness is curable. Cataract - the most common cause of blindness can mostly be cured by a simple operation costing DDEFT on average $82


Through this project DDEF will give the gift of Sight to 5000 poor blind children who cannot afford treatment totally free so that no man, woman or child goes blind merely because they cannot afford the treatment. We provide state of the art eye care. DDEF provides the most comprehensive pediatric eye-care, ranging from Performing Cataract Surgeries. School Screening Programs to pediatric specialty clinics which deal with everything from low vision to advanced corneal transplant.

Long-Term Impact

Restoring the Sight of 5000 children facing a life of darkness which will help them to achieve their full potential in life and overcome the daily ridicule faced from peers.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Disable Development & Educational Foundation (DDEF)

Location: Barguna, Barishal - Bangladesh
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @rezaul
Project Leader:
Dr. Md Rezaul kabir
Barguna , Barishal Bangladesh

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