Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic

by Nature Kids of Siargao Association Inc.
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Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic
Save a paradise island from drowning in plastic


Spectacular Siargao Island has become an international tourist destination. However, with thousands of visitors, the island is drowning in trash. Each month, 98 dump trucks of unsegregated waste are being thrown in the jungle and ocean. The local government cannot keep up with the escalating waste pollution. This is why Siargao Recycling Art Studio needs to re-open its doors. A community project that can up-cycle 1000 kg of waste monthly into new products such as flower pots, bean bags and more.

total goal
monthly donors


Siargao Recycling Art Studio was working to fix the escalating plastic problem by upcycling plastic into products for sale but had to close due to limited electrical access. The Studio needs to re-open its doors. A community project that can up-cycle 1000 kg of waste monthly into new products such as flower pots, bean bags, and more. Our recycling machines need urgent maintenance and skilled staff to care for them. We want to scale this solution to match the growing plastic problem.


Re-opening the Recycling Art Studio will immediately remove significant amounts of waste from the landfills. It will also provide much-needed employment for the local community. The Studio can also provide essential climate-focused education to the next generation of children. Showing how important their impact can be on nature and the future of the island. Up-cycling 1000 kg of waste monthly into new products will also bring economic growth and opportunity to the native people of this island.

Long-Term Impact

Except for the immediate positive impacts that the work performed by The Studio has on the environment, the educational workshops will increase the knowledge among its participants, followed by a change of behavior, becoming more eco-friendly. With the help of social media we know that this project could become an example to other Philippines islands, and then on to a global impact. The Studio is for and run by the local community, therefor the benefits and its development will grow organically.


Organization Information

Nature Kids of Siargao Association Inc.

Location: Burgos, Surigao del norte - Philippines
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Sanne Sevig
Burgos , Surigao del norte Philippines
$3,736 raised of $8,570 goal
108 donations
$4,834 to go
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