Project Report
| Oct 2, 2017
Instilling Integrity and Leadership Skills
By Enouce Ndeche | Project Principle
Over 300 students both boys and girls from Kiambiu slums were enrolled to the show corruption ‘Red card’ program. The program that commenced in the month August has been conducted three times in a week. The implementers of the program who are dubbed as Anti-corruption crusaders have been teaching participants on various issues including integrity and leadership through various soccer games.
Since the inception of the show corruption ‘Red card’ program, the participating students have been actively involved in all the sessions that do require active participation. With every participant having a great ambition for his/her future life, the issue of integrity has been a critical topic to discuss and think about. During the first day, all participants were given some surveys to fill to gauge their knowledge about corruption and their attitude and its results. With corruption being a major issue in our societies today, every participant was quite aware of its consequences.
“Corruption has been a great enemy towards achieving any development and for any society to move forward in terms of development, we should all unite and say ‘NO’ to corruption. I like this program that uses football to teach about the dangers of corruption.” Said 6 year old John.
Jul 5, 2017
Sustainability BootCamp
By Enouce Ndeche | Project Principle
Brought together under the auspices of YETU initiative, 14 organizations from across the country with VAP in the circuit gathered at the outskirts of Nairobi for a 4 days boot camp tied with an aim of cultivating a culture of community philanthropy through capacity building,research,technology development and private sector engagements. The boot camp generated a fertile ground for the organizations to interact and learn from various invited representatives from various local corporates and foundations with reputable experiences in the field of philanthropy and corporate affairs. Lessons and comparisons of past and present capacity building approaches were shared out as solutions to determine new approaches while evaluating the role of competitions in capacity building to enhance organization’s sustainability and generation of quality impact was also realized.
Football Teaches and Inspires My Life
Kimani is a class Four student at Undugu primary school whom despite not being an active and a class act footballer in his school, has managed to capitalize and utilize the power of football to learn various life skills through participating in football based activities coiled with anti corruption prevention messages. “I had no idea of playing football, neither did I have information about corruption but through the project and its simple football based activities, I have gained confidence and started to play football and learnt more on how tobecome a great leaders with great skills and integrity."Said Kimani.
Apr 5, 2017
Quartely Monitoring &Evaluation Meeting
By Enouce Ndeche | Project Principle
![Swisss Academy for Development Guests]()
Swisss Academy for Development Guests
With the program focus being in schools, the first quarter of 2017 monitoring and evaluation meeting was held at VAP offices. The aim of the meeting was to evaluate and get updates from coaches regarding different programs taking place in various schools and community centres since the month of January. Led by master coaches and centre contact coaches, the meeting discussed the challenges and successes that have been encountered throughout the program and came out with mitigation plans to counter the challenges experienced.The newly recruited coaches had an apportunity to talk about their program experiences."Am happy to be part of the coaches and also am happy to go back to my former high school and teach my former school mates about the dangers of corruption." Said 19 years Benson.
VAP Hosts Swiss Academy for Development
On its mission to Nairobi, Swiss Academy for Development paid a courtesy call to VAP offices to witness firsthand the youth empowerment projects. The four hour visitation focused largely on Mrembo project and the usage of football as the conduit for social change addressing sexual reproductive issues and rights, and its linkage to employability skills through vocational trainings i.e. pastry , hair and beauty courses. Being a non-profit, non-governmental organization not affiliated with any political party or religious group, SAD has a considerable expertise in promoting interactive, participatory approaches to non-formal and life skills education applying a playful approach to learning.