SHiNE Child Program

by Palliative Care Association of Uganda (PCAU)
SHiNE Child Program


Special Hearts to Nurture Every Child-SHiNE Child Program is an initiative that supports children suffering from cancer and other life-limiting illnesses from impoverished families with transportation to the hospital, funds to pay for their medical investigations, and nutritional needs during their medical visits. The core objective of this initiative is to prevent abandonment and promote adherence to cancer treatment. Thus leading to improved treatment outcomes and a higher quality of life.

total goal
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In Uganda, 33% of children diagnosed with cancer face treatment abandonment due to various reasons, including financial constraints, misconceptions about cancer curability, preference for alternative medicine, and fear of adverse treatment effects.


The project will solve this problem by providing the children with transport to the Uganda Cancer Institute, funds for their medical investigations, and nutritional needs during their medical visits. The project will also conduct home visits to monitor adherence to cancer regimens and treatment outcomes of the children as well provide psychosocial support. Additional community engagements will be conducted in the presence of a pediatrician for consultations and patients' and carers' education

Long-Term Impact

The long-term impact of this initiative is a reduction in treatment abandonment amongst children suffering from cancer, as well as an improvement in the treatment outcomes and quality of life of these children


Organization Information

Palliative Care Association of Uganda (PCAU)

Location: Kampala, Central - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @PCAUganda
Project Leader:
Alias Nuwakunda
Kampala , Central Uganda
$75 raised of $23,000 goal
2 donations
$22,925 to go
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