This project supports secondary education for 30 girls in two remote villages in Pakistan. Funds provide transportation, two sets of uniforms per girl, books, and other school supplies.
The majority of the women in Laphi are illiterate. Boys and girls receive primary level education in separate schools in the village. Girls do not continue to the secondary level due to poverty, low priority given by families to educating daughters, and lack of transportation to distant secondary schools due to the absence of secondary schools for the girls in their village. This project provides transportation, uniforms and supplies for 30 girls to go to secondary school in Buchal Kalan.
This project provides transportation, school uniforms, supplies, and book bags to 30 girls so that they may attend the Government Higher Secondary School, Buchal Kalan, district Chakwal. This is an ongoing project and we hope to support these girls through high school.
Uneducated girls have almost no chance to escape the cycle of poverty for them, their families and their communities. We will educate 30 girls allowing them to rise out of poverty, improving their families' health, economic status, and well being.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).