From February, 2013, we will send children of families deported from Israel to South Sudan to boarding schools in Uganda. By providing education to the children, our Sponsorship Program gives a brighter future for the children, their families, and their new country.
The deportees' children cannot attend school in Juba. In Uganda, school fees must be paid to fund buildings, materials, meals, and uniforms. As report shows the level of education in S. Sudan is far from acceptable. Deportees need their children to get an education but have no money. Without this opportunity they will join gangs, falling to crimes, and use the same methods for survival. These children received a good start in Israeli education system, which we should not allow to go to waste!
Our project sends South Sudanese deportees children in the beginning of the next school year, February 2013, to boarding schools. It pays their school fees; buys them uniforms and books; and ensures they are fed, clothed, and have access to medical care. We have 100 kids on our waiting list.
The project gives kids a ticket out of poverty. Educated girls can eventually give their own families a good starting point in life. Educated boys can escape a family cycle of hard labor with no future and allow them some degree of social mobility. This will ripple to their families and community.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).