IBC wants to enable weekly self help groups in Africa in order to reach people who are at risk of drinking and support people to deal with their addiction. In most African locations there is no residential treatment available but IBC model reaches vulnerable people and enables them to take significant steps towards recovery and healthy life. We use 12-step model that is based on Finnish Blue Ribbon's Compass framework. We would warmly welcome your support for this very cost effective work!
There is very limited access to any support or treatment for people who suffer from alcohol addiction or co-dependency due to family member's addiction in Africa. There are no treatment services and not even self help groups available for people to receive support for recovery.
This project is based on Finnish Blue Ribbon's evidence based self-help model, and involves establishing and supporting self-help groups, providing training for peer-leaders and establishing links to professional services. Self-help groups are informal groups of people who come together to address a common problem. The voluntary nature of participation in these groups provide a healthy alternative to the coercion that characterize most services for young people who use drugs or alcohol.
It will contribute to strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations for the provision of alcohol treatment and care for this vulnerable population and offer many people suffering an addition an opportunity to recovery.
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