We will provide vegetable seedlings and organic fertilizer to 700 ultra-poor farming families in order for them to improve their farm production, increase their income and access to food and lead them to a more happy, sustainable and healthy conditions compared to this time wherein poverty, malnutrition and general malaise is their situation.
We will provide much-needed vegetable seeds and organic fertilizer to very poor farming families who are in dire circumstance because with the little income they have they will spend this all to purchase food and there is no money left for the purchase of basic productive inputs by which to grow their farming economy.
The provision of vegetable seeds and organic fertilizer will ensure the survival and well-being of very poor farming families as they are able to grow and nurture the improvement of their farms. In so doing they are able to improve their access to healthy food and regular income without always being dependent on outside help who most often are not available to them.
Ultra-poor farming families have difficulty in rising-up to the condition of improved well-being and health and the provision of fine-tuned targeted assistance such as vegetable seeds and organic fertilizer may be the only simple yet powerful solution to this predicament.
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