Project Report
| Feb 18, 2020
Establishing Routine
By Simon Karanja | Project Leader
Student Tomatoes
We have worked a lot on the horticulture and art & crafts. The younger ones continue with games and reading as the older ones engage in the projects. The horticulture club continues to sell flowers. The craft members are beginning to finish their stage one mat-making and are moving to stage two.
We have also laid out an Agenda for the next 5 years as shown below:
Main Agendas
- Environmental
- Creating healthy life spaces
- Sustainable living and technology
- Community
- Life skills
- Social values
- Development and technology
- Creation of new knowledge and information
- Mental health
- Self-care skills
- Growth and development
We hope to continue growing and expanding this project.
Arts and Crafts
Completed Stage one
SEAM participant in Walk for cancer
Art work
Nov 20, 2019
Holiday Season
By Simon Karanja | Project leader
The children at SEAM are currently on holiday,which means there is more activity happening at the library on a day to day basis, and an increase in the number of children at the program.
Arts and crafts, and horticultural activities have become very propular. There has also been word going round about the childrens' garden wich has sparked the intersts of gardeners, who would like to buy flowers from their nursery. This is great because the money can now be used to buy the children some poridge, and other snacks, a meal program which has recently been introduced. The library has also recieved pledges for some more books.
Many of the funds collected are being used to help run and maintain the program services, and so we have not yet reached our goal for solar panels/ free energy, however this is something we still hope to install in the future.
For now the children are enjoying their holidays in a constructive manner, learning life skills and about their environment.
Snack time
Snack time
Snacks for the children
Arts and Crafts
Arts and Crafts
Arts and Crafts
Footwear for the children
Aug 23, 2019
By Simon Karanja | Project leader
Create your own environment
SEAM has been carrying on well with its learning activities. The children's garden has progressed well, and they continue to collect and use learning materials and games from generous people around the world.
This year we the managing team for SEAM had hoped to raise enough funds to install a solar system at the library, so that the children can watch learning shows and have access to the internet. Since all the children at SEAM are form the rural community, we also felt having an example of what solar energy can do, would be a great learning experience for them. It would enable the children to experience alternative sources of clean energy, that they can incorporate into their lives as they grow older. A new way of thinking.
Our most recent campaign went well and we are hopeful that our next step to install solar energy will be a success.
SEAM as a safe space for these children, has also evolved into a social venue that the children are eager to spend as much time at as possible. This year one of our children held his 8th birthday at the library, instead of at the family home. He mentioned choosing to do so because he wanted to share the day with his SEAM family along with the rest of his family. This brought joy to the team and encouraged it to see the bond the children are creating with one another.
Different strokes
Birthday boy