Desde el 2006, Tiempo de Juego ha utilizado el juego y el deporte para que mas de 11.000 ninos y ninas ocupen su tiempo libre, y se alejen de los factores de riesgo presentes en sus barrios: pandillas, consumo de sustancias, violencia, entre otros. Este proyecto busca seguir financiando las escuelas de formacion deportiva, para que los peligros se conviertan en goles.
Cazuca, in the outskirts of Colombia's capital, Bogota, is one of the most marginalized, deprived and violent areas of the country. It is also home to one of the largest populations of displaced persons in Colombia. An exhaustive three-year study, found that about 70 percent of children and adolescents of the displaced population lack basic schooling and lack the tools to make a productive use of their time. This made them more vulnerable to join gangs, drug addiction and teen pregnancies.
Tiempo de Juego seeks to inculcate the adequate use of free time among children and youth in very vulnerable areas in Colombia. It tries to distance them from the ills that surround them, by educating them through strategies such as sports and cultural activities. Tiempo de Juego uses soccer as its main intervention tool to address social problems given its capacity to convene people and its pedagogical possibilities, and it applies the rules of football for peace approved by FIFA.
Tiempo de Juego's mission is to promote community transformation through sports, arts and technology, to promote the capacities of children of youth inspiring them to become agents of change. Its formative tools aim to generate competencies, promote values, and enable the use of free time in a responsible and conscientious manner, generating a positive and replicable mode.. Every year, TJ improves the lives of more than 11000 children in Cazuca and Cartagena.
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