School-feeding program is designed for poor children in rural mountainouse areas by providing them with nutritious food(namely, milke&egg) for a whole school-year. It is reported that there’re 30 mill
Children in poor mountainous areas need more attention and help from the society: 30 million boarding students, 75% of them are living in rural areas of central and western China,1 in 3 students are affected by malnutrition. the main food for the poor kids is potato, no meat or vegetable for long. Due to poverty, they could only afford to have two meals a day, very simple rice with potato.
1\the standard cooking facility will be provided to school to provide food or hot water for kids. 2\the nutritious food will improve the local awareness on nutrition, and improve the kids' physical health.
helping children improve nutrition status, increase physical fitness, and reduce absenteeism and drop-out rate
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