SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees

by South African Youth Education for Sustainability
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SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees
SAYes Mentoring - Support our Mentors and Mentees


With global lockdowns, we had to think of new ways of continuing to support our mentees. We opened up our mentoring programme worldwide and the response was fantastic. However, remote mentoring has its challenges, not least the cost of training, phones and data. The money raised will help towards these costs. SAYes Mentoring was founded in 2008 to improve personal, social, educational and employment outcomes for under-served children and young people in South Africa, through mentoring.

total goal
monthly donors


Current figures reveal that 31% of South African youth are not in employment, education or training. South Africa is one of the most unequal societies in the world and this inequality is due not just to wealth but to the differences in the networks of introduction available to different sections of South African society.


At SAYes we train mentors to support and motivate young people to develop their skills and education to find a pathway to sustainable employment. Mentors and mentees meet one-to-one for one hour a week over a 7-9 month period. During this time goals and deadlines are set in the areas of education and learning, housing and citizenship, family and community, sport and recreation and career development.

Long-Term Impact

Our primary objectives are improvements in independence and well-being. We measure our impact through a selection of psychometric indicators as well as community level indicators. In 2018 92% of our mentees from Children's Homes successfully completed an education grade/level. 50% of our high school graduates are now studying at a university or a vocational college and 38% are employed.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

South African Youth Education for Sustainability

Location: Cape Town - South Africa
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @SAYesMentoring
Project Leader:
Michelle Potter
Cape Town , South Africa
$1,050 raised of $1,200 goal
33 donations
$150 to go
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