Saving lives with diagnosis on time

by Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe
Saving lives with diagnosis on time
Saving lives with diagnosis on time
Saving lives with diagnosis on time
Saving lives with diagnosis on time
Saving lives with diagnosis on time
Saving lives with diagnosis on time
Saving lives with diagnosis on time
Saving lives with diagnosis on time


This project favors the access to an opportune attention for cancer on children and adults in Colombia. It is focused on the acquisition of better equipment that allow to have an anticipated diagnosis and, in that way, bring a better possibility for patients to survive against cancerous and precancerous lesions. The project also will help to pay the devices that make easier the proper attention for pediatric and adult patients

total raised
monthly donors


The OMS affirms that every two seconds, someone between 30 and 70 years old, dies about cancer diseases. Currently, in Colombia there are around 71.000 new cancer cases, from those, almost 2.200 are children. The access to a quick detection of cancerous lesions is limited due to the poor access to healthcare services. Gastric cancer is the leading cause for death in Colombia due to neoplasm. There is a low rate of detection with the current screening methods.


Cancerous lesions have a high probability to be healed if they are diagnosed opportunely, is for that reason that is required to have technology that allow us to realize an opportune diagnosis to impact the mortality related with cancer in Colombia. The acquisition of new equipment will bring the opportunity of giving a timely and successful treatment for cancerous lesions on patients, promoting with it the wellbeing for patients of all ages.

Long-Term Impact

For the long term this project looks to impact on the high rates of mortality related with gastric cancer. There is an estimate that during the first year it will bring a timely access to diagnose this sickness for more than 1.500 patients, achieving with it a better survival for this patients. Having the appropriate technology for diagnosis this kind of diseases promote the wellbeing for all those people.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe

Location: Medellin, Antioquia - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @HPTU
Project Leader:
Luisa Ramirez
Medellin , Antioquia Colombia

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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