Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers

by Tigers4Ever
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Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers
Saving Bandhavgarh's Wild Tigers from Poachers


97% of the global wild tiger population disappeared in 100 years. Only 3900 remain so it's vital we protect them & their critical habitat. 2967 wild tigers are in India. Poachers' snares consisting of anchored wires with sliding nooses camouflaged along tiger trails have jeopardised wild tiger survival for years. Our Anti-Poaching Patrols aim to eradicate snares around Bandhavgarh so tigers can walk safely; & to educate local communities to change attitudes towards tigers/other wildlife

total goal
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The world's wild tigers & their forest habitat are under threat. Protected Tiger Reserves are surrounded by buffer zones, intended to define the boundaries of the burgeoning human population. The COVID pandemic increased human-animal conflict & the risk to wild tigers from poachers' snares along tiger trails & farmers fields. In the past, tiger poaching in Bandhavgarh was rife. In India 300+ tigers died in snare traps in 15yrs devastating wild tiger populations & threatening long-term survival.


By providing increased anti-poaching patrols in Bandhavgarh's buffer zones we protect MORE wild tigers in areas where poaching once was rife; removing snares so tigers can walk the forest safely. Our patrols help to eliminate illicit activities such as logging/resource plundering & retaliatory poisoning in the buffers, thus reducing the devastating impact on wild tiger habitat. Our work with local communities helps change attitudes towards poaching & enhance the long-term survival of wild tigers

Long-Term Impact

Bandhavgarh has one of India's highest densities of wild tigers, but forests & wildlife are disappearing at an alarming rate. Our patrols achieved a 98% reduction in wild tiger deaths due to poaching/retaliatory poisonings in 6 years. The COVID pandemic hugely impacted the wider tiger community leading to more human-conflict. By increasing patrols we maintain our positive impact via education & local employment a key component for the long-term survival of wild tigers, & relieving poverty.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information


Location: Warrington - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Tigers4Ever2010
Project Leader:
Corinne Taylor-Smith
Warrington , Cheshire United Kingdom
$83,069 raised of $110,000 goal
1,909 donations
$26,931 to go
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