Clean water is the single most important factor in regards to a healthy life. This is a simple appeal which not only saves lives through the elimination of water born illnesses, but also transforms the lives of women.
In Eastern India, women and girls walk miles in harsh temperatures to fetch clean drinking water for their families. Unfortunately, this does not guarantee that the water is fit to drink, causing illnesses and death. The construction of a properly maintained water pump providing clean water will transform and save lives, improving the overall health and well being of the people in Bihar.
Our Health team treats water related sickness amongst villagers in the project area, reaching out to many villages. But Clean water is the biggest single factor regarding Health,especially amongst children. A deep water pump is often the solution.
Prolonged periods of drought in recent years has affected the water level and standard of water available and new deep water pumps are urgently needed. It is hard to imagine a greater benefit for an investment of $750 in terms of lives saved . The long term positive effect on the Health of the village will be substantial, but it will mainly benefit the girls of the village who fetch the water.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).